Benefits Of Chemical Peeling
Skin imperfections are often the result of acne, aging, sun damage and build-up of old, dead skin cells that block the pores. With these, the skin appears wrinkled, dull, patchy, or scarred. Removal of this old, outer skin layer to be replaced by smoother, more beautiful new skin can dramatically improve one’s appearance. It can effectively reduce or even eliminate skin problems including acne, acne scars, sun spots and hyperpigmentation, fine lines, freckles, dark circles, large pores, wrinkles, rough patches, and dry scaly skin.
With the growth of new skin cells and the enhanced production of collagen that follows a chemical peel, your skin will be noticeably fresher, more youthful, brighter and smoother.
During/After The Procedure
The process for applying a chemical peel is generally the same for each type but will vary slightly depending on the level of solution being applied. Anesthesia is not used during this procedure. However, it may be considered for Phenol peels. First, the face is thoroughly cleaned. Then, the chemical agent is brushed on the skin. Patients will experience some mild stinging at this time. The face is then washed and a cool saline compress is applied to act as a neutralizer. Patients will need to wear sunscreen and limit sun exposure as much as possible.